J. P. Gilliver (John)
2018-11-13 13:19:43 UTC
With apologies to those 'groups in which this isn't appropriate.
I've finally (they took their time!) received a reply from the petitions
jobsworths, saying they'd accept the following (after they rejected my
first two attempts, on the IMO incorrect grounds that I hadn't made
clear what final outcome I was after). It's a _much_ more limited
version than what I wanted, but if it's the only way it's going to see
the light of day, I guess we'd better go with it - we can then expand if
we ever get anywhere (which I doubt - the establishment doesn't like
balance, it's harder to deal with). I need five supporters before
they'll even release it. So if you can click, I'd be most obliged ...
(and of course forward to anyone you think might agree!)
I've finally (they took their time!) received a reply from the petitions
jobsworths, saying they'd accept the following (after they rejected my
first two attempts, on the IMO incorrect grounds that I hadn't made
clear what final outcome I was after). It's a _much_ more limited
version than what I wanted, but if it's the only way it's going to see
the light of day, I guess we'd better go with it - we can then expand if
we ever get anywhere (which I doubt - the establishment doesn't like
balance, it's harder to deal with). I need five supporters before
they'll even release it. So if you can click, I'd be most obliged ...
(and of course forward to anyone you think might agree!)
I've made a petition – will you sign it?
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/232770/sponsors/new?token=WeHH6XMoNXGJHv7bnVW8Replace petition.parliament.uk with a site that collects votes for and
Frequently, petitions and similar are reported as having collected so
many thousand votes. This only represents one side: without knowing how
strong the opposing feeling is, the true public opinion can be
misreported - and, decision-makers can be pushed into actions the
majority don't actually want.
A petition is arguably the modern version of the pitchfork-wielding
mob; it's very easy for individuals or groups to whip up strong
feelings. Those opposing the motion feel disenfranchised - there is no
*simple* and *immediate* way to register their opposition; they can
only set up a counter-petition, which is liable to be rejected, or at
least involves a delay, thus giving unfair advantage to the first petition.
Frequently, petitions and similar are reported as having collected so
many thousand votes. This only represents one side: without knowing how
strong the opposing feeling is, the true public opinion can be
misreported - and, decision-makers can be pushed into actions the
majority don't actually want.
A petition is arguably the modern version of the pitchfork-wielding
mob; it's very easy for individuals or groups to whip up strong
feelings. Those opposing the motion feel disenfranchised - there is no
*simple* and *immediate* way to register their opposition; they can
only set up a counter-petition, which is liable to be rejected, or at
least involves a delay, thus giving unfair advantage to the first petition.
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
Never rely on somebody else for your happiness.
- Bette Davis, quoted by Celia Imrie, RT 2014/3/12-18
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
Never rely on somebody else for your happiness.
- Bette Davis, quoted by Celia Imrie, RT 2014/3/12-18